Support Policy

Support Policy

Last updated: October 10, 2023

Software Support HandBook

The MEGA Software Support HandBook gives a description of the services provided by MEGA Support and a guideline to interaction with the MEGA Support team.

This Handbook is available in English.


Version/Release Lifecycle

Description of Maintenance Phases

Full SupportSupport on Deployment, Issues, Bugs (errors)
  • Functional changes 
  • New functional features and products
  • Error fixes acccording to severity.
    • On last Service Pack released for critical incident
    • On next Service Pack for non-critical incident
Limited SupportSupport on Bugs (errors)
  • Error fixes provided ONLY on critical incident on last Service Pack release.
Custom Support

Support on Bugs (errors)

Subject to restriction on perimeter and duration

  • Custom Support is an additional Services subject to a specific contract.  The intend of Custom Support is to provide Customers with additional time to plan and complete the upgrade to a fully supported HOPEX Release. 
  • Custom support may be available for some Releases and/or solutions only and it’s subject to case by case approval from MEGA.
  • Customers with a valid Maintenance and Support agreement might request Custom Support through their account managers.  
  • Being on the latest available SP of the Release is a prerequisite for Custom Support.
  • Release means a new version of HOPEX, introducing new features or new solutions.
  • Service Pack (SP) means updates to make HOPEX more reliable. Service Pack can include security and performance improvements, plus Fixes. Each Service Pack is meant to improve a Release. 
  • Cumulative Update (CU) means fixes created and provided by MEGA outside the context of a Release or a Service Pack. Cumulative Update are typically addressing critical Errors. 




Start Date

Full Support

End Date

Limited Support

End Date

HOPEX Aquila12/10/202331/01/202630/06/2026 
HOPEX V514/09/202131/12/202430/09/2025
HOPEX V424/06/202030/09/202231/01/2024


Integrated libraries with Critical, High or Medium known vulnerability will be fixed on HOPEX supported version, last CU.

Severity of vulnerability is based on CVSS v3 scoring calculated by NVD (National Vulnerability Database) ;